During a guessing game about lies, Billie Eilish shared a disgusting true story. On a morning news show, an author’s book promotion monologue went disastrously wrong. Sofia Vergara got frustrated with Ellen DeGeneres’s confusion during a talk show. Louis Walsh’s inappropriate touching on X Factor made everyone uncomfortable. Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner had a freak-out moment on Keeping Up with the Kardashians. It’s revealed that James Corden doesn’t actually drive during Carpool Karaoke. Conan O’Brien awkwardly flirted with Gal Gadot. Kris Jenner suggested that Scott Disick get ear surgery. A bizarre interaction between David Dobrik and Justin Bieber was confirmed on Twitter. Steve Harvey’s odd laugh followed a roast at Miss USA.
Kris Jenner nearly fell on The Ellen Show. Jimmy Kimmel proposed reenacting a Lady and the Tramp scene with Rihanna. Ellen DeGeneres had an employee in a bug costume scare Taylor Swift. Gal Gadot faced body criticism on Jimmy Kimmel Live. Christiana awkwardly danced with her neighbors on Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Ellen failed miserably at Fortnite while playing with a famous Twitch streamer. Conan O’Brien hilariously responded to Demi Lovato’s teasing. A genital-less Ted appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live. James Corden was harshly roasted on his own show. Ellen made a guest uncomfortable about her hair.